
Feedback and Complaints

We at Focus ACT would like to hear from you. We welcome all feedback and complaints and we will use it to help us improve our services. If you are happy or not satisfied with the service you received or you have any concerns, please let us know.

Information provided by you will be handled in accordance with Focus ACT’s Privacy Policy Statement: Focus Privacy Policy

Provide Feedback or a Complaint

    What is a complaint?

    It is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about our organisation, related to our services, staff or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.

    What can I complain about?

    • Breach of Focus Code of Conduct
    • Our standard of service
    • Discrimination
    • Staff member attitude / treatment to clients
    • Failure to action on your request / enquiries
    • Failure to provide service
    • Focus policies/procedures

    You are always welcome to raise any concerns aside from the list stated. If Focus is unable to deal with any part of your complaint, we will inform you as soon as possible and refer you to the appropriate person/organisation.

    How do I raise a complaint?

    You have different options in raising your concerns:

    1. In person : Focus Office – 32 Thesiger Court Deakin ACT 2600
    2. Via the online Feedback and Complaints Form below
    3. Email:
    4. Phone: 6282 9422
    5. Accessing Client/Guardian Portal:

    A complainant has the option to have a support person present. It could be a friend, a relative or an advocate.

    The complaint must include the following:

    • Complainant’s full name and contact details, including preferred method of contact
    • Summary of events that lead to the complaint
    • Supporting evidence including documentations if available
    • The outcome that you are seeking

    Anonymous complaints

    Focus accepts anonymous complaints and will carry out an investigation of the issues raised when there is enough information provided.

    What will happen after I make
    the complaint?

    Focus management aims to resolve complaints as quickly as possible. As an initial step, we will attempt to resolve a complaint informally.

    If the issue is not resolved, we will escalate it as a formal complaint and will follow the Focus feedback and complaints handling procedure: (see steps below )

    Focus’ Feedback and Complaint Handling Procedure

    If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of Focus ACT’s review of their complaint, they may seek an external review of our decision with other external agencies such as the following:

    NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission:

    Making a Complaint to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

    • People can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission about any issue connected with NDIS funded supports or services provided by Focus. This includes people with disability who Focus ACT supports, their families, friends, carers, advocates or guardians, workers or volunteers or any person who wish to make a complaint.
    • A complaint can be made about Focus ACT as a provider and/or its workers. Complaints can be raised directly with Focus ACT in the first instance however, person does not have to raise their complaint with Focus ACT before approaching the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission for help.

    You have the right to complain anonymously

    • If you wish to make a confidential or anonymous complaint, please call the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission contact centre and ask to speak to the complaints team.

    How can a complaint be made?

    A complaint can be made at any time to the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission by:

    • phoning 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677 (interpreters can be arranged)
    • using the National Relay Service and asking for 1800 035 544
    • completing a complaint contact form to let the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission know how best to contact you.
    • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Make a Complaint Link:


    Where else can a complaint be made?

    • Commonwealth Ombudsman

      A complaint can be made to the Commonwealth Ombudsman who will help resolve your complaint in an independent manner. Their free service can be accessed at

    • ACT Human Rights Commission

      The A.C.T. Human Rights Commission can investigate and conciliate complaints about topics such as Disability Services including abuse, neglect, exploitation, discrimination, vilification, and, sexual and sex-based harassment. If you need help making the complaint or putting the complaint in writing, you can call their number on 02) 6205 2222 visit their office and they will confidentially help you. Otherwise, you can make a complaint on through their website:

    • Fair Work:
    • ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT): Phone: 6207 1740;
    • ACT Housing Registrar, Community Services Directorate. Phone: 6207 5474
    • National Regulatory System Community Housing:

    For further assistance, you may also contact the following agencies:

    If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome of Focus ACT’s review of their complaint, they may seek an external review of our decision with other external agencies such as the following: